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Equity in Action Series | Advancing Health Equity through Research in Underserved Communities


Wednesday, May 28, 2025 at 3:00pm ET - 4:00pm ET
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Credits Offered

This event offers 1.5 CNE credits to attendees.
Accreditation Info: American Nurses Credentialing Center.

Additional Information

The American Nurses Association is pleased to bring you a new 8-part virtual series: Equity in Action: Dismantling Racism in Nursing, formerly known as Project ECHO on Racism in Nursing.

In collaboration with the National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing, this series explores actionable strategies to dismantle racism and cultivate inclusivity.

With an intro and a closing session to frame the series, each of the other six sessions is grounded in the six key sections of the Commission’s Foundational Report on racism in nursing, offering essential insights and tools to address structural and systemic inequities.


Sonya Frazier
Sonya Frazier RN

President of OK Indigenous Nurses Association

Marcus Henderson
Marcus Henderson MSN, RN, PhD(c)

PhD Candidate, Johns Hopkins School of Nursing; NIH/NIMH Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Predoctoral Fellow

Maya Clark-Cutaia
Maya Clark-Cutaia PhD, RN, ACNP-BC

Inaugural Evelyn Lauder Associate Dean for Nurse Practitioner Programs & Professor

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