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13th Annual ANA-NY Conference ★

TWA Hotel
1 Idlewild Drive
Queens, NY 11430

Thursday, October 9, 2025 at 10:00am ET - Saturday, October 11, 2025 at 1:00pm ET
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Annual Conference
1 Idlewild Drive, Queens, NY 11430




Additional Information

Ignite Your Nursing Passion at the 2025 Conference:  An Empowering Journey 

Nurses, prepare to embark on a transformative journey at the 2025 conference!  This dynamic event is designed to reignite your professional spirit and empower you to reach new heights in your career and personal life. 

At the heart of this conference lies the powerful theme of Empowerment.  Through a carefully curated lineup of energetic speakers, you’ll dive deep into the strategies and mindsets that will propel you forward, helping you overcome challenges and unlock your true potential.  These thought leaders and innovators are set to share their insights, experiences, and wisdom, all in pursuit of igniting the same fire within you.   

The 2025 Conference is more than a gathering: it is a movement.  This event is a unique opportunity to network with fellow nursing professionals who share your passion and to draw from the collective strength that defines your profession. 

Join us for an experience that promises to echo in your practice and philosophy long after the closing remarks.   Get ready to be transformed, one empowering moment at a time.  The 2025 Conference awaits you. 

→ CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT AN ABSTRACT (available until 2/28/25)




This activity has been submitted to American Nurses Association Massachusetts for approval to award contact hours. American Nurses Association Massachusetts is accredited as an approver of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. For more information regarding contact hours, please call ANA-NY Executive Director Jeanine Santelli at (518) 949-9254. 


Janine Stange
Janine Stange

Inspirational speaker Janine Stange, known for honoring service members by singing the Star-Spangled Banner nationwide, now motivates audiences to find courage, create balance, and overcome adversity through her diverse speaking engagements and media presence.

Amy Dee
Amy Dee RN

Amy Dee is recognized by audiences across the country as a master storyteller and brilliant comedian. She combines her background in standup comedy and theatre with her RN degree and experience as a successful business owner to deliver hilarious stories and valuable content on the brain and behavior. Her message and music rise above the boundaries of gender, age, and occupation. Amy's hilarious stories coupled with her phenomenal content propels audiences to live, act, and work better. Her authentic spirit and down to earth approach have made her one of the most sought-after speakers throughout the United States. She is truly one of the best speakers in the country at combining message and humor. Amy’s background is as diverse as her audiences. She once ran a non-profit where she managed five hundred volunteers and organized multiple fundraisers that culminated in an eight-hour telethon. Amy lived in Norway from 1994-2003, and while learning to speak, read and write in Norwegian, she started a photo calendar business in her home. Her company grew to become Xerox’s largest customer in Scandinavia. Amy returned to college at age forty-three to obtain her RN degree. She was nominated for Nurse of the Year on six times during her nine years as a Psychiatric RN. Amy has been a monthly guest expert on NBC affiliate ND Today. She has written four books and numerous song parodies.

India Walton
India Walton

India Walton is a native of Buffalo, New York. After a decades long career as a Registered Nurse, India began organizing as a way to influence policy that addressed the root causes of inequities in social determinants of health. She has been a staunch advocate for criminal legal reform, improving access to healthcare, safe staffing, and affordable housing. In 2021 India rocked the political establishment in her hometown by challenging and unseating a four-term incumbent in the Democratic Primary for mayor of Buffalo. Since her loss to an unprecedented write-in campaign in the general election, she has continued to advocate for increased civic participation and policies that prioritize the poor and working class as Senior Strategist with RootsAction. India has been featured in several publications including Essence magazine, Teen Vogue, Rolling Stone, Forbes, and The New Yorker. She has spoken at The New School, Harvard University, Rutgers, Niagara University, and numerous national conferences. India is known for engaging and informative presentations and her ability to connect with audiences on a personal level. India’s experience in frontline healthcare and community activism offers a unique perspective on the intersections of health, racial, economic, and social justice.

Maria Smilios
Maria Smilios

Maria Smilios is an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and adjunct lecturer at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. She was born and raised in New York City. She holds a Master of Arts in American literature and religion from Boston University where she was a Luce and Presidential scholar. Her work has appeared in The Guardian, Narratively, The Forward, Lit Hub, Writers Digest, The Emancipator, and other publications. The Black Angels won the 2024 Christopher Award in literature, which celebrates works that "affirm the highest values of the human spirit." It was also a finalist for the prestigious Gotham Book Prize and chosen as an NPR Science Friday Summer Read for 2024. New York City and State recently honored Maria for “outstanding service” and “positive contribution” to the people of New York. The book greatly informed and inspired the Staten Island Museum’s exhibit “Taking Care: The Black Angels of Sea View,” which is on display through November of 2024.

Lisa Summers
Lisa Summers DrPH, MSN, BSN

Lisa sees Healing Politics as the culmination of a career that was grounded in clinical care and education before expanding to policy and advocacy. Lisa practiced clinically for 20 years as a nurse and midwife and held faculty positions in schools of nursing and medicine before shifting to health policy work. She spent 11 years at the American College of Nurse-Midwives, where she was Director of Professional Services, and held policy positions at the American Nurses Association and Centering Healthcare Institute. She has spoken and written widely on healthcare policy and advocacy and, for 10 years prior to co-founding Healing Politics, taught health policy at Yale School of Nursing.

Exhibit & Sponsor

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring and/or exhibiting at the 13th Annual ANA-NY Conference!

With 8,900+ members and 15+ organizational affiliates, ANA-NY’s Annual Conference presents a unique opportunity to meet and connect with an engaged and educated selection of nurses from across New York State. At the 13th Annual Conference, attendees will engage in educational, inspirationational, and hands-on sessions that examine empowerment for healthcare heroes, including lessons of overcoming adversity. Through sponsorship, you can position your business or organization to be a part of these critical conversations.


Platinum Sponsorship

Gold Sponsorship

Silver Sponsorship

Bronze Sponsorship


Register For This Event

Member | Full Conference & Gala

Members-Only Ticket for Access to the Full Conference & Gala

    Please note this ticket INCLUDES admission for the plated Gala & Awards Ceremony. Refunds are not available.


    Member | Full Conference

    Members-Only Ticket for Access to the Full Conference

      Please note this ticket does not include admission for the plated Gala & Awards Ceremony. Refunds are not available.


      Non-Member | Full Conference & Gala

      Non-Member Ticket for Access to the Full Conference & Gala

        Please note this ticket INCLUDES admission for the plated Gala & Awards Ceremony. Refunds are not available.


        Non-Member | Full Conference

        Non-Member Ticket for Access to the Full Conference

          Please note this ticket does not include admission for the plated Gala & Awards Ceremony. Refunds are not available.


          Retired or Student | Full Conference & Gala

          Retired or Student Ticket for Access to the Full Conference & Gala

            Please note this ticket INCLUDES admission for the plated Gala & Awards Ceremony. Refunds are not available.


            Retired or Student | Full Conference

            Retired or Student Ticket for Access to the Full Conference

              Please note this ticket does not include admission for the plated Gala & Awards Ceremony. Refunds are not available.


              Gala & Awards Ceremony

              Ticket for Access to the Gala & Awards Ceremony ONLY

              Refunds are not available.


              Thursday ONLY

              Ticket for Access to Sessions on Thursday, October 9, 2025.

              Please note this ticket does not include admission for the Gala & Awards Ceremony or the conference on Friday, October 10, 2025, or Saturday, October 11, 2025. Refunds are not available.


              Friday ONLY

              Ticket for Access to Sessions on Friday, October 10, 2025.

              Please note this ticket does not include admission for the Gala & Awards Ceremony or the conference on Thursday, October 9, 2025, or Saturday, October 11, 2025. Refunds are not available.


              Saturday ONLY

              Ticket for Access to Sessions on Saturday, October 11, 2025.

              Please note this ticket does not include admission for the Gala & Awards Ceremony or the conference on Thursday, October 9, 2025, or Friday, October 10, 2025. Refunds are not available.


              Governing Assembly ONLY

              Ticket for Access to the Governing Assembly Meeting

              Please note this ticket does not include admission for the Gala & Awards Ceremony or any conference sessions.
