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2024 Sepsis Alliance AMR Conference


Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at 10:00am ET - Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 5:00pm ET
This event has ended.



Additional Information

Sepsis and the emergence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) are intricately intertwined and pose significant challenges. Primary reliance on broad-spectrum antimicrobials is often the initial approach in sepsis treatment, yet curbing unnecessary antimicrobial use is imperative in combating the escalating threat of AMR. In Sepsis Alliance’s 2023 publication, The Healthcare C-Suite AMR Market Report, only 26% of healthcare leaders grade themselves an ‘A’ on their own AMR efforts.

As AMR intensifies, the likelihood of infections progressing to sepsis increases, rendering sepsis cases progressively more resistant to treatment, consequently subjecting patients to adverse outcomes such as amputations and fatalities. Effectively managing this intricate clinical interplay, addressing the global AMR threat, and enhancing future outcomes necessitate collaborative efforts across sectors, ongoing innovation, and educational initiatives.

Opportunities for AMR education for clinicians, caregivers, patients and the public are viewed by 77% of healthcare executives as necessary for combating AMR. Participation in the Sepsis Alliance AMR Conference offers a unique opportunity for attendees to explore innovative ideas, gain inspiration, and learn about practical technologies to manage sepsis and counteract the expanding challenge of antimicrobial resistance.

Topics covered will include:

  • A One Health approach to combating AMR;
  • Maternal and pediatric AMR;
  • AMR in ambulatory and outpatient settings;
  • The role of Sepsis Teams in AMS.

Learning Objectives:

At the conclusion of this event, learners will be able to:

  • Explain the intricate link between sepsis and antimicrobial resistance;
  • Identify tools and resources to champion responsible antimicrobial prescribing practices;
  • Describe the pivotal role of healthcare executives and leadership in prioritizing, endorsing, and advancing stewardship efforts addressing antimicrobial resistance and sepsis;
  • Restate methods for leadership to actively pursue inventive approaches that engage healthcare providers in initiatives aimed at tackling antimicrobial resistance and enhancing sepsis management.

FREE Nursing CE Credits Offered! 

Continuing nursing education credits will be available, as will post-event access to resources, ideas, and innovations to improve antimicrobial stewardship. Sepsis Alliance is a Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP17068. Other healthcare providers will receive a certificate of attendance. 

Event Agenda
